Welcome to a community you never asked to join. As parents of a child who was diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma, we wanted to create a resource for families to help navigate this disease. For us, night one in the hospital left our family feeling isolated and alone. We were at a great facility, yet throughout treatment we were constantly searching for answers about our situation. Hepatoblastoma is a rare disease, but many families and children are connected through it.
We hope this website serves as a consolidated, credible resource to forge bonds in the community as well as keep families updated with the latest developments in Hepatoblastoma treatment, support, and research. We strive to include professionally validated, concise, yet thorough resources to help your family through this journey and assist you with making the best care decisions for your child.
The biggest thing we learned as a family is that YOU are the best advocate for your child. You should never be afraid to ask your care team questions. Hopefully, together we can help make you as well informed as possible.
-Christina & Cody
Check back and continue to get the latest news at https://www.hepatoblastoma.org